Hot Shot Kixxx – Xipe Totec

February 24th, 2021 | by stereobangers
Hot Shot Kixxx – Xipe Totec
New Music

“Xipe Totec” is the last song in the debut album Devils at It Again by  alternative rock band Hot Shot Kixxx. As the superstitious fear of having yet another ominous year sets in, the imagery and visuals in this music video explore dark and gory themes like ritualistic  human sacrifice, cult mentality, and group sex. Interwoven with the  somber, black, sonic textures of Juan “JC” Villalobos’s melodic guitar rhythms, Damian Gonzalez’s heavy bass riffs, and aggressive drums by  David “Choko” Ponce, this video brings life (and death) to the screens of viewers in the most unapologetic and in-your-face manner that has been absent in mainstream rock and metal music since the apex days of  Nine Inch Nails, Marylin Manson, Slipknot, and similar contemporaries of  the time. “Xipe Totec” was directed by Cabe Tejeda in the band’s hometown  of El Paso, Texas.

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